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REFUND POLICY: In the event that a participant cannot attend the race no refunds will be given.  If a runner contacts the race director by email not less than 3 days before the race they will be moved to the virtual event and their race medal, bib and any merchandise purchased will be mailed to them unless an early packet pickup event has been scheduled in which case they will be asked to pick up their Virtual packet at that time and it will not be mailed.  This option is not available after the above deadline or after the live event is held. 

CANCELLED IN PERSON RACE POLICY: When an in person race must be cancelled outright and cannot be rescheduled, it will be converted to a "Virtual" race and a link shared to upload your results.  No refunds will be given.  Registered participants will have two options: Pick up their race medal, bib and any merchandise purchased at a date and time determined by the organizer or have those items shipped to you for the cost of $8 per runner.